Wednesday, May 1, 2013

These Are A Few of My Least Favorite Things.

At the beginning of this blog I gave you a few of my favorite things. Here are some of my least favorites.


Drag Me to Hell


The Eagle

TV Shows:

The Following

Divers, Drive Ins, and Dives

Most of ESPN


Nicki Minaj

Taylor Swift's song "22"

3/4ths of the new Maroon 5 cd

I Shipped My Pants!

Since I am in an Advertising class, I have gained a new appreciation for commercials. This one is my favorite so far this year...

They DO Exist!

I'm taking about cats in shark suits chasing ducks on vacuums of course!

Whoever thought of this is my hero.

Workin' at the Car Wash.

If you wash your car, the next day it will either rain, or there will be a dust storm. This is the main reason that I haven't washed the exterior of my car in months...that or I'm lazy...but we wont get into that. There is something that mother nature doesn't like about shiny clean cars. Either that or she just thinks that it's hilarious to punk people like that all the time. I guess I would definitely do it too if I could control the weather, so I probablyI shouldn't complain.


This happens to me a lot. Let me know if it is the same with you. It seems that when I am low on cash, my car is always either 1/4 of the way full, or on empty. When it is on empty, I put $15 of gas in, and raise the tank to about 1/4 full again. The cycle then repeats itself over and over. In contrast to that situation, when I have less bills to pay, or a bit extra money, things are different. My gas tank stays at about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way full. When I see it getting to about 1/2 full, I put $15 of gas in. The tank then raises to about 3/4 of the way full. In both of these situations, I'm spending pretty much the same amount of money on gas. Why do I do this? There are plenty of reasons, but none of them really  make complete sense.

Everybody does It Part Deux

You are parched. You walk over to the fridge to get a drink of: juice, milk, soda, etc. After pouring the amount desired you realize...there is only about a swallow or two left in this container...I don't want it. So you put the drink back in the fridge almost as if to taunt the next person that wants that same kind of drink. You don't do it maliciously. You do it because you got in, got what you needed, and got out. You hate when you are on the opposite side of the equation. But as long as you got the amount of drink you wanted, that's all that matters. Everybody does it.

Old Man Jokes

My husband is 25 years old and already spouts off a few old man jokes from time to time. I do not think old man jokes are funny at all. You know the jokes, "There's a quarter in your ear!" "Back in my day"...Something about walking up hill in the snow. I have told him that I don't like them, but I think he just likes to pester me. At the current rate we are going at, I will probably die of old jokes rather than old age.