Tuesday, February 5, 2013


As a general rule, I stay out of politics on social networking sites. Why? Because most of my friends do not share my views, and I hate confrontation... plus I just don't want to be one of "Those people." But anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE politics, and tend to know everything about everything when it comes to political issues.

I wanted to share this video because I feel like it sums up so much of what I feel about this country. I am very patriotic, and love the message.

This clip is from the opening scene of HBO's new show The Newsroom. It was recently nominated for a Golden Globe, and BONUS, it has Jeff Daniels in it! It's only about 3 and a half minutes long, and very powerful. It's been going around the internet, and has gotten really popular.

(Disclaimer! I know that I have several friends who are very uncomfortable with cursing,
 so I want to let you know that this short clip curses 3 times.)

So what do you think? Agree? Disagree?